POTATO - Periodic Table Tool

POTATO - Periodic Table Tool

Properties of Chromium

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Property Unit Value
Name - Chromium
Abbrevation - Cr
Atomic Number - 24
Group - TM
Heat of Fusion Kcal/g-mole 4.9
Heat of Vaporization Kcal/g-mole 81.18
Molecular Weight g/g-mole 51.99600
Melting Point �C 1857
Boiling Point �C 2679
Refractive Index - 2.97
Critical Temperature �C N/A
Critical Pressure atm N/A
Critical Volume cm�/g-mol N/A
Atomic Volume cm�/g-mol 7.23
Atomic Radii (Bragg-Slater) pm N/A
Atomic Radii (Covalent) pm N/A
Atomic Radii (Van der Walls) pm 140
Density g/cm� 7.19000
Oxidation State - 3,2,6
Electron Configuration - [Ar]3d5 4s
Electron Affinity (Theory) KJ/g-mol 94.6
Electron Affinity (Exp) KJ/g-mol 63
Electronegativity (Pauling) - 1.66
Electronegativity (Sanderson) - 1.35
Electronegativity (Allred_Rochow) - 1.56
Surface Tension @BP dyn/cm 1700.0
NMR Frequencies of Nuclei MHz 5.652
Discovery Date - 1780
Electric Resistivity mohm-cm 12.7
Linear Thermal Expansion Coefficient 1E-6 cm/cm/�C 6.2
Neutron Capture Cross Section barns 3.1
Thermal Conductivity W/m/K 93.7
Magnetic Susceptibility 1e-9 m�/kg 44.5
Abundance, (Sun) log(atoms/1E12 atoms H) 5.7
Abundance, (Meteorite) log(atoms/atoms) 5.72
Abundance, (Earth) log(pbbw) 6.5
Abundance, (Crust) log(pbbw) 5.3
Abundance, (Ocean) log(1E-12 mol/kg) 3.6
Abundance, (Body) log(ppmw) 0
Electrical Conductivity %IACS 8.8
Electrical Resistance - 12.9
Photoelectric Work Function eV 4.58
Hall's Coefficient 1E-12* volt-cm/amp-Oe N/A
Electrochemical Equivalent mg/coulomb 0.17965
Young's Modulus of Elasticity 1E-6 kg/cm� 2.48
Shear Modulus 1E-6 kg/cm� 1.19
Bulk Modulus 1E-6 kg/cm� 1.94
Poisson's Ratio - 0.209
Hardness - 100
Hardness Unit - BRINELL (CAST)

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